Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Hardest Part...

So much has happened since my last blog which I will get into later, but for now I'd like to share the hardest part of being in Peru...

Honestly, I thought I would perfectly content and free of culture shock until we got to Iquitos. Arequipa ia very modern and thus far there isn't much I can't find here (besides miso soup and orbitz gum). But today I called my dad on Skype to find out my Gram is in the hospital. She was on her way to the doctor (I believe) and some girl u-turned and hit the car she was in and now my Gram is in the ER with 2 broken ribs.

So today I am facing my worst fear- that something will happen to my family while I am so far away- and it sucks.

But, in every moment we have a choice, and in this one I am choosing to believe that she will be okay. I am choosing to put my faith and trust in the One who called me here...especially when things happen that are out of my control. I am choosing to be thankful I am here, even though I desperately wish I was close to my family.

What will YOU choose?

Aloha means Te Amo,
Suthee :)

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